Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend & new puppy...

Well, what a whirlwind weekend.... and I did get my bike sprint intervals done first thing Saturday morning to get my body into gear! Yesterday we chose our ridgeback puppy, a little 5 week old girl, and we'll call her Jemima (means bird of peace). When you are surrounded by about 9 fully grown ridgebacks it's an amazing experience - all just coming for cuddles and love... but god they are HUGE. These ones just seem enormous!!! Will be interesting when we eventually have 2 in the house! LOL> will there be room for us?
So now we have to get ready for being woken during the night by puppy cries, toilet training, no, please don't pull the washing off the line...and they are my shoes, not your toys... aaaah, fun times ahead!!!

Just read my program from Liz - bought a legs program...looks like extreme punishment, so that will be good - just what I need leading up to Xmas.

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