Sunday, November 30, 2008

My first customer..

I just have to say one thing about my very first customer... I am so proud of her... she's lost 4 kilos so far (in 5 weeks), but more importantly, she is finally learning how to eat properly and not starve herself in the vain hope of weight loss. She's gone from thinking 1000 calories a day was okay, to 1600 calories a day - which was a huge mind shift for her.
I can see such a difference in the way she looks and she seems so much more confident now.

So rewarding!

The 'competitors'....

Now, in my area, there is one quite large personal training/group training business that operates during summer in my location, but all year around further South closer to Wollongong.
I have made sure that the place where I do my sessions is not used by any other groups or trainers, and have ensured that I am quite away from 'the competitors'.

Lo and behold, this morning, 'the competitors' popped up on 'my patch' LOL I felt like saying 'it's okay, I'm not even targetting the same customers as you'.

Funny. Mind you, I think it geared my group up to work that bit harder & faster through their circuits.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

..and another week flies by!

Well, it's been very hectic this recap :
Saturday - 6 hours kettlebell workshop. This was excellent. I'm so glad I went, as many of the pieces of material that I have on kettlebell form highlighted a slightly different form to the one that Steve Cotter uses. I like the form that Steve uses, it's more fluid and natural - and boy, if you want one hell of a posterior chain workout...grab some kettlebells and get going! Now, I have been 'pussying' it in my KB workouts - or so it seems, given that I fall victim to the 10, 12, 20 etc rep mentality - we were doing 10 minute sets.... yowzah. Definitely brings new meaning to the term 'fatigue' - but targets muscular endurance in true style.
Sunday - rest.zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Monday - am / group session pm / group session
Tuesday - am / 1 hr walk with puppy
Wednesday - am/ group session pm/ group session
Thursday - am / half hour one on one with new client, followed by one on one with first client! pm/ group session
Friday - am group session - this was boxing / kickboxing and making use of the facilities ie bars that we could do inverted rows (they growned) and benches for step ups and one legged get ups - a great precursor to one legged squats! - try this at home: get up out of your chair using one leg only! not easy.

Tomorrow will be another 1 hour one on one, followed by a 1 hour massage with my osteo! LOL I need it - Given that I still work my full time job in between those sessions... tiiiiring, but I feel better this week and think it should ease out nicely.
I have to say, I am glad I discovered a jar of L Glutamine caps in the cupboard... nearly ready to expire, but I've been chugging down a couple a day to help with recovery. Given how well I recovered from the KB workshop, I can only say...they work.

Sunday will be a well earned rest day.

Oh... for any of you who have drooled over Kek & Liz's posts about kokoblack and wished you were in Melbourne to sample their wears.. I noticed that they now have an online store!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

aaah that's better...

It's amazing what a half hour massage with your osteo can do for your soul...and body!
My back feels...almost normal....
Ready for tomorrow's punishment!!!

Nicer than a gym

Check out where we worked out this morning. Here

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

*yawn* I'm tiiiiiiiiiiiired

Hopefully my body will get used to this new form of punishment and new routine soon...
so far this week:
Monday: am group session then pm group session
Tuesday: me time, so I did soft sand (fool) and kettlebell circuit at home
Wednesday: am group session; pm group session - which I participated quite readily in
Thursday: am one on one - more soft sand and firm sand, jogs, fast runs, sprints in both as well as stairs. This afternoon is a one on one.. I will be gentle with him :-) (for my body's sake!)
Friday: am - more soft sand with our boxing session on the beach!
Saturday - omigod 6 hours of kettlebell mania - then I have to drive back from Five dock to Wollongong!
Sunday - if I can get off the bed I will be surprised

This will either:
a/ kill me; or
b/ make me stronger, fitter, leaner, happier.

Of course, I'm gunning for the latter.

I am really enjoying the work though... if only I didn't have 8 hours of hell in between sessions! ie, the thing that pays the bills.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Workout frenzy!

Wow, with all this 'group session' stuff... I am finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on my real job... I have all these sessions to plan now! hehe.
Friday morning is going to be : Fight Club Friday in the Fand (yeah, okay so sand didn't quite fit) but you get the drift! Boxing circuits on the beach.
There's also a nice set of stairs handy to throw in and then some picnic tables up the top for dips. Yes, they will kill me I am sure.
one cheeky one said the other day.. oh, we should do a 'train the trainer' session like they do on biggest loser... yikes. They would be brutal I am sure!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 2...

Well, week 2 of the morning sessions has begun - with 5 minute madness!
You have 5 stations - all 1 minute each - the 5th being a nice 'rest' station. do that 3 times.
I also introduced them to the magic of the kettlebells! fun :-)

Tonight starts my evening sessions - I think I am going to be tired ;p

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My first group!

I'm going through a world of firsts now....
this morning I had a nice group of 4 women - so we did a bit of fitness testing, shuttle runs, situps, pushups, then into boxing technique, proper boxing.
Have another group scheduled for Friday morning, then next week I start M, W & F evenings as well :p
Hopefully I can cope!! Sheesh.
Now that Melbourne Cup is out of the way - which I didn't even see on tv as we were off in 'la la' land down the coast - it's the slippery downward slope of lots of Christmas parties, lunches with magazines etc... I shall have to be on my guard!!!!!
this week I have lunch today (happy birthday to me for Monday :p) - lunch on Friday as our 'post colour launch' thing...then next week another magazine lunch, and one two weeks after.

But... in between times... I have the Steve Cotter kettlebell workshop on 22 November. That should kill me, or at the very least..burn a bit of flubber :-)

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm baaack!

Well, what a fantastic break that was.
Our puppy is still moping a little about being 'home' - she had so much fun up in the mountains and on the beaches (not that she doesn't have beaches to go to at home...) - she scurried around eating native animal 'delights' :-p
Obviously the possum 'biscuits' at home just don't do it for her anymore..not when there's wombat, kangaroo etc...

I have still been training my client - she's now lost 2.5 kilos in the 2 weeks so we are happy!
I have a group training session starting tomorrow... eeeek ....
It's all slowly coming together :-)