Thursday, June 28, 2007

It's amazing how quickly a week passes...

when you've been in bed for three days of it!! Some dreaded lurgy managed to 'stop' me in my tracks this week...aches..fever..swollen glands..
I could hear my body saying, well, you broke your didn't stop
you tore your calf didn't stop
you WILL stop now!
so I did.

The trouble is, being such a creature of routine, I love my routine... get up at 5.45, workout, shower at 7..
I just hate having it broken. Still, I had plenty of time to read my new books, and I am itching to start my new workouts! I should also be able to have my final theory exam in the next fortnight, so looking forward to that. Then Bali.
I am also very over the rain.... and bleak weather.. at least today there is some blue sky and sunshine!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I love reading as much stuff as I can...but felt guilty at 'extra' reading during the theory portion of my studies.. so it's nice to have a break from the theory stuff and now read stuff that has just appeared in my mailbox..
The New Rules of Lifting

whilst at the physio...

well, I can at least start back kicking in the kickboxing again! Yay. Now have to do 20 minutes of a walk x2min / jog x 2min session to see how the calf goes...

Anyhow, whilst I was having my tens session (following my 40 minute calf massage!), I was reading the local rag. There was a snippet of really disturbing news. Apparently a car that turned into a parking lot hit a child, injuring it. A crowd had turned on the driver, then the passenger got out to defend the driver...the passenger was then beaten to death. How sick is that? It was in Austin, Texas.
Bizarre world.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Something interesting in my inbox

I had my usual email newsletter from Dr John Berardi this morning, and it's just worth posting as a constant reminder around the myths that surround exercise and nutrition...

so, courtesy of the aforementioned Dr Berardi, here it is:

Fitness Myths and "The Truth"
I was recently asked to contribute a few fitness and nutrition myths to a popular magazine. After some consideration, I included 4 biggies - the cholesterol myth, the protein myth, the exercise volume myth, and the aerobic exercise myth.
1) The Cholesterol Myth
Eating eggs leads to high cholesterol levelsAdults are continually told that eating foods rich in cholesterol can elevate an individual's risks of atherosclerosis and heart attacks. As egg yolks are a major dietary source of cholesterol, this has made them public enemy #1. However, research studies consistently show that dietary cholesterol intake does not correlate well with blood cholesterol - in other words, eating foods rich in cholesterol does not necessarily increase blood cholesterol or cardiac risk. Because the body makes its own cholesterol, eating more means the body produces less. And eating less means the body produces more. It's only a small % of the population that doesn't regulate blood cholesterol well - and in these individuals, blood cholesterol can be high regardless of dietary intake. If blood cholesterol is a concern, the best way to deal with it is to increase exercise activity and improve the overall quality of your diet - not to eschew foods because they contain cholesterol.

2) The Exercise Volume Myth
Exercising for 30 minutes 3x per week improves health outcomes.For years we've been told that 30 minutex 3x per week was all we needed to do to improve overall health and body composition. However, according to most research, this minimal amount of activity does very little to improve either health or body composition. New government guidelines suggest that to improve health, one should shoot for 30 minutes of exercise every day. And to improve body composition 60-90 minutes a day is required. Now, before you go whining about time - North Americans plop down in front of the TV for an average of 19.8 hours per week. Surely we can make the time for 3.5-7 hours of exercise per week.

3) The Aerobic Exercise Myth
Aerobic exercise is the best kind for fat loss.Although aerobic exercise burns a higher % of fat per minute spent exercising, aerobic exercise alone does not necessarily lead to leaner bodies. Recent research papers with titles like "Aerobic exercise does not lead to weight loss" are demonstrating that steady-state aerobic exercise is an activity of diminishing returns - the body adapts so quickly that to really get the benefits, you'd have to keep increasing your duration - leading to sessions that would be impossibly long in duration. So the real "best" exercise for weight loss is a combination of high intensity interval exercise, strength training, and a small amount of aerobic exercise. Of course, nutrition is important too.

4) The Protein Myth
Protein builds big muscles.Although athletes and exercisers have believed for generations that eating more protein builds big muscles, this statement isn't always true. Sure, if an individual is undereating protein (getting less than the recommended 1.5g/kg) then they might see some muscle growth with an increased intake. However, additional protein above this intake won't build more muscle. However that doesn't mean that this additional protein is a waste. In fact, additional protein intake helps improve body composition by helping maintain a higher muscle to fat ratio. Same muscle mass - less fat - sign me up!

You can find more pearls of wisdom at

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's done.

I have now submitted my final assessments (all 22 pages worth) for the last module.
Sometimes there is a good side to bad weather!

Now I can just get the last bit of final study done in readiness for my exam... then onto the practical mode.

The practical stuff can happen when we return from Bali, where we're headed mid July for two weeks of sunshine.

So much for category 2 cyclonic winds... they didn't really eventuate, thank goodness. Would have put our new roof to the test!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Rain, Rain & more good for studying!

Well, we have had such a wet old time here in Wollongong. Saturday saw so much rain I thought we were going to have another flood like we did in 98. Luckily..we didnt. But still, with so much rain, all I could do was study. So I have 99.9% finished my last module's assessments. Just have to research and write an article on some innovation within the fitness industry and I will be done...
Went back to physio this morning and I can go for one run between now and Friday morning ( my next appointment) but only on grass and only for 15 minutes...

Apparently we are supposed to be hit with even more violent weather tonight. Hopefully it will be after I have been to visit my pony to make sure he's okay, not too bored...warm enough, dry enough.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Well, I bit the bullet and figured I should really make some time for myself and go and see a physio. I toddled. It turns out that I do have a tear in the belly of my Gastrocnemius, but the bleeding has gone into the Soleus deep underneath - hence my thinking that it was more soleus than gastroc.
Still, a bit of good old ice, compression, some cross training on the bike...boxing, no kicking..stretching...and apparently I should be good to go again in a week...although only jogging, not sprinting...damnations.
This weekend looks like it will be yet another in the wild wet cold & windy stakes..just perfect for staying indoors, studying...and finishing off module 5.
Not so good for horseriding though....pony will be bored.
Might see if we can go hunting for floorboards too...
Will go to kickboxing tomorrow morning...warm up on bike and then just box.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Falling apart...

On Monday since it was a public holiday, there was no kickboxing since I now have a bag in my garage under the house (which I can only hit VERY lightly otherwise it shakes the whole house as it's attached to a floor beam....and the dog gets very upset) I thought I'd do some technique practice. Somehow my calf muscle in my left leg seized up a little... no problem I thought. Husband kindly massaged it.. and I thought for sure it would be okay in the morning.

Wake up, head down the beach...notice my calf is still a little stiff, but figure I'll walk & warm up then try a light jog. Ha! well, I started to jog and then 'ping' felt as though something snapped and excrutiating pain..there must be a slight rupture in the soleus tendon as it is really deep and really hard to locate. Well, all I could do was just laugh (despite the pain), purely at the sight of myself attempting to look and be fit and healthy, and there I was in the pitch black hobbling pitifully to get back to my car. I didn't know which leg to hobble on...the one with the broken pinky or the other one..
Still...a day later and it's starting to ease up thanks to nurofen gel, ice gel, name it.. and I made up my 'knit dem bones tm' concoction to heal my toe and already it appears to have shrunk a little...

Oh... I got 87% in my exam! So far that makes it 86%, 85%, 92% and now 87%... all good!! Hoping to have the last module finished pretty soon - all pretty basic marketing stuff, so should go well enough -

Monday, June 04, 2007


Over and one with.... and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would/could have been! So for that I am eternally grateful.
Still.... better wait for the results before I say it wasn't that hard.... I could have been seriously mistaken!
Started on the last module last night - all about business & marketing... oh, and there's even a section on computer skills.... given that I have been doing marketing for 10 years, have worked in conveyancing, e business, and many other businesses...hopefully this one will be a breeze....

Managed to put my running shoes on today and run in them, rather than just hobble and quickly remove them. Luckily that I was able as this morning was pretty cold on the beach. Still no whales...

Missed my kickboxing class last night which I was upset about... my big boss decided to call me in for a chat to make sure all was still okay after all that has happened over the past week or two... that was the time I was supposed to leave to get to the KB class on time.. still. had to be done.

Builders are back today to finish the last of their work in our renovations.... should be all finito by the end of this week. Oh, what luxury... but then, we have more hard work in finishing it off properly to come. We will still be doing the rendering outside, which will include blueboarding over some of the old weather board along the sides of our house, and repainting the whole thing... then painting the new room inside...then we can move our loungeroom to that new room..and redecorate the existing lounge room to make it the new large family / dining room. Not that we have any family save for us and the pooch...but still.. it will be fab when finished.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another day another busted toe...

or so it seems! well, if my little toe wasn't broken before, it sure as heck is now.

Saturday I went kickboxing, as planned, then took Suki - the very clingy hound up to see Kado, the very patient pony (well, pony trapped in a very large 16.3hh horse's body).

Suki just really seems to think that Kado's just a big dog. She happily bounds along beside, between, get the drift, of his legs, as he's moving. It's quite scary.

Anyhow..on to my toe. After all this excitement, my poor foot really looked a bit swollen that night, so I just iced as usual. Got up off the lounge and promptly managed to catch my little toe on one side of the large caster wheel and the rest of my foot on the other whilst walking...and then falling to the floor in so much was truly excrutiating. Two Nurofen Plus allowed me to sleep (mixed with a few glasses of red).

Who would seriously have thought that something so small can create so much pain.....
I did some research on the net and basically best thing to do is strap it to your next toe and off you go! A bit of good ol' Ibuprofen and icing and all will heal .... I might make myself up a comfrey extract solution to add to the mix as well....knit dem bones

I did still run barefoot on the beach this morning though. And I will be going kickboxing tonight too....

Well, I have my penultimate exam tonight - a bit nervous about this one as it's a heck of a lot of information - the special populations one which includes - Rehab, Pregnancy, Older Populations and Kids. Seriously, each one is a massive subject on its own, but put all together.... HUGE! If I pass not only will I be surprised, but extremely happy.