Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another day another busted toe...

or so it seems! well, if my little toe wasn't broken before, it sure as heck is now.

Saturday I went kickboxing, as planned, then took Suki - the very clingy hound up to see Kado, the very patient pony (well, pony trapped in a very large 16.3hh horse's body).

Suki just really seems to think that Kado's just a big dog. She happily bounds along beside, between, get the drift, of his legs, as he's moving. It's quite scary.

Anyhow..on to my toe. After all this excitement, my poor foot really looked a bit swollen that night, so I just iced as usual. Got up off the lounge and promptly managed to catch my little toe on one side of the large caster wheel and the rest of my foot on the other whilst walking...and then falling to the floor in so much was truly excrutiating. Two Nurofen Plus allowed me to sleep (mixed with a few glasses of red).

Who would seriously have thought that something so small can create so much pain.....
I did some research on the net and basically best thing to do is strap it to your next toe and off you go! A bit of good ol' Ibuprofen and icing and all will heal .... I might make myself up a comfrey extract solution to add to the mix as well....knit dem bones

I did still run barefoot on the beach this morning though. And I will be going kickboxing tonight too....

Well, I have my penultimate exam tonight - a bit nervous about this one as it's a heck of a lot of information - the special populations one which includes - Rehab, Pregnancy, Older Populations and Kids. Seriously, each one is a massive subject on its own, but put all together.... HUGE! If I pass not only will I be surprised, but extremely happy.

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