Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TTYL...part 4

110 pushups hurts..

I have another trainer running my bootcamps... so I joined in yesterday morning (amids the rain & light hail ..brrrrr)... anyhow...
2 punches / 2 pushups
4 punches / 4 pushups
right up until you get to 20 of each...
those last few pushups really hurt!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

the things you learn.... part 3

Never be ashamed of who you were before. The before has helped to shape who you are today.
When I first started training, I was a little embarrassed about the fact I wasn't some superfit superhuman who had always been slim. But... as time goes by... the fact that I wasn't has helped me help many others now.
You can't beat life experience. One of my clients said, the stuff I get from you isn't just about how you train me..it's all the other stuff you teach me...

So now I wear that mantle unashamedly.

Monday, June 08, 2009

the things you learn ..part 2

Aaah, so, my distance running career has been virtually non existent since my last running post...it's been pushed aside for training clients.
the other day I came across an older Ultrafit magazine and read an article about a guy who was using Cross Fit techniques to train people for half marathons - which I found quite interesting.. more particularly because..as you will see from my last run, it was dishearteningly short.

So... my group sessions do incorporate some similar aspects as Cross Fit - just Caroline's flavour added through it.

Anyhooooo I went for a run with a client... and we did 6.1km... no problemo.

I think that's the longest I've run in about ....30 or more years...
Go figure. Must be all that extra muscle. :p

the things you learn....

it doesn't matter how much you say...don't look at the scale weight, go by how your clothes fit...
and then...your clothes fit the same as when you were...wait for it...10KG lighter...
that's hard to reconcile.
I'm still struggling with that.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Life has been a whirl....and now more changes....

This poor little blog has been quite neglected...I've been busy building my other online community

Building my business (more on that later) AND.... the piece de resistance:
I resigned yesterday from my corporate role.... some said I was glowing yesterday...must have been all the weight that lifted from my shoulders in making that final decision to take the leap and go full time training.

As of 1 July... new financial year, new start for Attitude to Burn!