Monday, June 01, 2009

Life has been a whirl....and now more changes....

This poor little blog has been quite neglected...I've been busy building my other online community

Building my business (more on that later) AND.... the piece de resistance:
I resigned yesterday from my corporate role.... some said I was glowing yesterday...must have been all the weight that lifted from my shoulders in making that final decision to take the leap and go full time training.

As of 1 July... new financial year, new start for Attitude to Burn!


Kristy said...

Wow that is fantastic and something I am thinking about myself, but not sure how I would do it or what I would do. Great job on your business. It seems it is doing really well!

ms_attitude said...

Thanks Kristy... it's exciting times...
Find something you're passionate about and go for it.