Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Metabolic Circuits

One of the things I love giving to clients is some good old metabolic circuits. Circuits that are designed to rev up the metabolism with some resistance training, mixed at a high intensity in circuit style...

one of my favourites include:

100 challenge workout:

20 KB Swings
20 Pushups
20 Burpees
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Belly Blasters (Plank lifting up to inverted 'v')
Lap of cones or another area fixed.
3 rounds for time or, time each round & better it.

these are so easy to mix around so that you challenge each part of the body with a different exercise and it gets everyone working at a great intensity :-)

Thursday, December 03, 2009

One down...One up..

Well, my scorpio tail hit right between the eyes. That was a good decision. And luckily, I've found a new trainer, so hopefully he will work out - so far so good!!

And...another 900g down on the scales this morning, so all good. Just about back to my 'acceptable' weight - which was where I was waaaay back when I last went to Bali. It's taken a while!!!