Monday, March 23, 2009

RIP Diamante

As I walked up home from Jemima & my walk around the block, my neighbour called out to me to find out what the snake looked like that lived in our roof.
Sadly, it appears that poor old 'diamante' has come to the end of his life. Our neighbour found a diamond python dead in his garden  - looks like it would just be old age.  We have been aware of the snake in our roof for 20 years... I am presuming that would be about their lifespan.
So sad.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yay, I am alive after all :-)

Last night, as I was getting my running gear ready for this morning, I thought I'd best check the HR monitor instructions - and low and behold, I found this extra 'bit' in the bottom of the box... aaah, so that's the logo unit thingy that is supposed to clip on to the chest strap. Doh.

So.. needless to say, it actually registered my HR today!
I got up to a max of 172, and averaged around 152.
Now, if you were to follow the Karvonen max HR is 177 (being 43). Now, I'd be inclined to agree that at present, 172 is pushing it a bit for moi - when my HR got up there I was close to nausea, so I actually stopped at that point and walked.
This morning, my intention had been unclear. I wanted to do a 20 min continuous, but.. I also wanted to increase my pace. So, I increased my pace, and in the first 10 min was pushing myself (or so my body was telling me - probably still really slow by normal person standards) and got a lot further than my usual 10 min stint BUT I had to walk 1 min, then resume. It was at the 9 min point on my return that my HR got up to 172 and I felt the old nausea brewing, so I opted to end the run and walk it out from there (only about 100 m short of my usual finish spot).
So..I am reasonably happy with this because I did increase my pace and push myself a lot harder, but I need to be clearer about my intentions of the run before I go out.
I think now I need to work on not pushing the pace so much as just continuous running for the next few weeks, and gradually increasing the distance.
So, that's the plan from here :-)

Monday, March 09, 2009


sheesh, there I was thinking I was going great guns with my running, then I did...mapmyrun.
All illusions of jogging grandeur have now left the building.
Let's just say, a piss weak 2.7km is my jogging distance.
Clearly, I have some work to do on my pace and my distance.
Oh well, a goal is a goal.

Another run session!

This morning I decided, since I want to hit the 20 min continuous on Thurs, that today I should go out for a two part run.
So... iPod working check
HR monitor working negative grrrrr I guess I need to read the instructions!
Warmup walk - 4 minutes
Jog - 10 minutes (good pace, got further than last week)
Walk 2 minutes
Jog - 11 minutes - that was a mind hurdle - just getting that second stage in a bit longer.
I seem to do better running continuously than in two bursts, but... at this stage I need to do two bursts I think

Kerryn, glad you're coming to FILEX!
I've booked in to a few 'action' things - Punchfit powerhouse boxing (my clients love boxing so I want to get a few other routines happening) - although it was a toss up with the Core Camp Kids as I'd like to introduce some kids fitness groups too.
Second session is Powerpacked group activities - Outdoors.
3 - Fresh Baked outdoor ideas (yes, there's a theme here!)
4 - Kettlebell power training (I love my kettlebells)
1 - Metabolic hard core training
2 Circuit training partner challenge _ although it was a toss up for all three PT sessions here..
3 Advanced resistance training for every client
4 The complete guide to body weight training or essential portable tools for PTs

Bosu skills & drills
Pain Practice and Performance - the shoulder

to be honest, if they had less sessions, and repeated a few of the popular themes/ones it would be a whole lot better - it always turns out that the ones I really want are on at the same times!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Cold and dark!

Seriously, yes, dark I can sort of deal with...but cold as well? brrrrrr it was pretty chilly this morning, with a strong south westerly blowing. The sky was as clear as anything though...hence the chill I think.
So, I put on my new heart rate monitor, got my iPod on, and off I set.
Firstly... iPod battery dead. GOD! HOW WILL I COPE RUNNING WITHOUT IT?
Then, I'm either dead, or just haven't worked out the HR monitor properly.
I'm thinking it's the latter.
Anyhow, since my continuous run session last week, I had planned on a broken one this morning, lengthening the second stage run a little. So, this morning, I warmed up walking 3 mins, then jogged 11 minutes (and getting much further than usual, even with a strong head wind), walked 3 mins, then jogged another 8 mins and finished off cooling down walking 3 mins. As I turned, so did the wind (of course it did...why would it stick to a southerly and make it easy for me when it can change to a north westerly?) so I was pretty happy with my efforts this morning on several fronts.
No iPod
I just ran, no issue, no stupid inner voice telling me to stop - I think I may have slapped that one down. Yay.
My pace has gotten better
I actually enjoyed it
I increased my length of time running overall
So next week, I will aim for 20 minutes continuous.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


So... just before the 'early bird' deadline finished (better to have a few extra $ in my pocket than theirs) I tried to register online.... and of course, due to my slackness, the two outdoor sessions I really wanted to attend, it appears, so did a lot of other people, who weren't quite so slack in the booking department. they were 'greyed' out non-options . tsssk.
Still, there's nothing to say I can't go along and watch anyhow... just because there's enough people participating, doesn't mean one can't watch and take note :-)
I am actually looking forward to going this year - the schedule last year left me feeling a little flat...nothing really grabbed me...but this year it all seems so much more relevant to what I'm doing in growing (slowly, oh so slowly) my business.
I have two new clients who have started in my groups, and have had a few enquiries about mid morning sessions...shame I'm at my real work then ;-) (god, but for how much longer, who knows?) but I digress....
I can't wait to refresh my ideas and get a look at all the new stuff around!
Nothing like being around lots of fit people to get one fired up.