Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yay, I am alive after all :-)

Last night, as I was getting my running gear ready for this morning, I thought I'd best check the HR monitor instructions - and low and behold, I found this extra 'bit' in the bottom of the box... aaah, so that's the logo unit thingy that is supposed to clip on to the chest strap. Doh.

So.. needless to say, it actually registered my HR today!
I got up to a max of 172, and averaged around 152.
Now, if you were to follow the Karvonen max HR is 177 (being 43). Now, I'd be inclined to agree that at present, 172 is pushing it a bit for moi - when my HR got up there I was close to nausea, so I actually stopped at that point and walked.
This morning, my intention had been unclear. I wanted to do a 20 min continuous, but.. I also wanted to increase my pace. So, I increased my pace, and in the first 10 min was pushing myself (or so my body was telling me - probably still really slow by normal person standards) and got a lot further than my usual 10 min stint BUT I had to walk 1 min, then resume. It was at the 9 min point on my return that my HR got up to 172 and I felt the old nausea brewing, so I opted to end the run and walk it out from there (only about 100 m short of my usual finish spot).
So..I am reasonably happy with this because I did increase my pace and push myself a lot harder, but I need to be clearer about my intentions of the run before I go out.
I think now I need to work on not pushing the pace so much as just continuous running for the next few weeks, and gradually increasing the distance.
So, that's the plan from here :-)

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