Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And she grows

Well, we've discovered a great training trick to stop chewing.... metholated spirits. You just wipe the 'illegal' chew things with metholated spirits and just the smell is enough to deter young pup from chewing... and nice juicy meaty little bones... keeps her occupied for ages!

I managed to get to the beach for two runs in a row yesterday and this morning...which has just been divine. We have a routine at the moment, one of us sleeps on the lounge to do the night 'toilet' training - which is done by way of pup sleeping in crate (a very comfortable one) - and she lets us know when it's time to go....then we wake up, take her out , then put her back in crate. It's working a treat. Then at 5.45am the other one gets up to feed her and play with her in her morning session! So far I've been the one doing the 5.45am tag - which has had me trying to workout in amongst playing & feeding... no mean feat. But the last two nights i've had toilet duties - my husband usually goes back to bed when I get up, but... I can't do that... 5.45 is my morning workout time... and I feel so much better for going for a run as opposed to trying to sleep for another hour..

Tomorrow would have been my mum's birthday, so I will go and scatter some rose petals off the point where I scattered half of her ashes. Then I'll go for a quick run after.

Here is my rapidly growing baby.... Jemima.


Kristy said...

I love you puppy. She's gorgoeus.

Glad to hear she's no longer chewing things....

Unknown said...

She is adorable. Makes me want to go out and get a puppy - don't think hubby would like that too much tho!

Jadey said...

OMG look at those paws. She has a long way to go yet. So adorable