Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A great workout this morning...

..even if I do say so myself!

Today we concentrated on 'strength' and 'intervals' - so each station was supplied with 5kg dumbbells, and we worked on first set of 8 reps, second set 9 reps, last set 10 reps. The circuit worked in a lower body/ upper body / lower body / upper body fashion, so we did the complete circuit with 8 reps of each exercise, then increased the next time around.
They had to sprint between stations.
After this circuit, we changed exercises, still sticking to the lower/upper routine, but just did one set of 12 reps this time around. Then we had to do a 'run' and 'recover'.
This consisted of:
Run around the outside of the cones, then ab workout -
1st time around was crunches with no weight, then second and third times around we had weights.
Then we switched to jogging 2/3 of the circuit, then sprinting 1/3 and jogging the last 1/3rd.
Planks, side planks, pre exhaust a set of tricep extensions then 20 tricep dips.
Then I decided to push them a little harder.
There's a hill at the end of our furthest soccer field - we jogged across both soccer fields, I let them get their breath, then we headed up the hill, with a slight sprint towards the end. they all managed it, some easier than others... so we walked back down and did it a second time...
I'm very impressed with how much their fitness has improved to be able to do this - with very little complaint.
Then I let them cool down and stretch.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Thanks Carolyn, it is colourbond, so that link is fantastic. I will have a play although I have been told I need to talk to my next door neighbour and agree on the same colours for the walls and the roof. We will see how I go...

You sound like you are doing a great job with your training...