Monday, November 16, 2009

Weight Loss

Well, it's been another loooong time between much happening! which is growing nicely :-) although I lost my other trainer to a 'full time' began the search for new trainers. One, no experience, is great. The other, 7 years experience is .... well...leaves a bit to be desired. Including being late again this morning. Grrrrrrr. My scorpio tail is flickering like a cats, just waiting to strike.

Now onto other weight loss... I had become the pinup girl for maintenance. No matter what I did (good or bad) the scales didn't budge. Then I came across Matt O'Neill and I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a go.
I followed it roughly.. didn't think much of it, then just thought the other day for some strange reason I'd hop on the scales for the first time in a month.... and lo and behold 6 kilos have dropped off.
Just like that.
No stress, no pain.
Gotta be happy with that!
So, as a consequence, I've recommended it to all my clients! click here if you want to check it out. There's programs that are designed for if you have a lot to lose, or a little, or just want to maintain or even gain. It's worth a look.


Jadey said...

I'm so glad business is going well for you. And it sounds like you are onto something great with the new program too.

ms_attitude said...

Thanks Jadey. Sometimes we just need to change things around a bit!! Hope you are going well?