Monday, February 26, 2007

Rain & Legs

Well, it totally poured with rain all night - and was still pouring when my alarm went off to tell me to get to the beach to meet my friend. We decided to wimp out - she went off to a spin class, and i opted for a hard leg workout in my back room.

My husband thinks that I am overly critical of myself, however, I think I say it as I see it (don't we all?) and if I can't be critical of myself...who can I be critical of? But anyhow... I think I've got the ugliest legs in the universe. I can seriously make alien faces with my knees. My friend and I (back in my smoking days) were having a fag, out the back of our work, and I had a skirt on - and we were looking in towards the dark glass doors. I said, hey, check out my knees...and had them doing several facial expressions which had us in hysterics. See? They're ugly. Add to that the fact that I cannot for the life of me seem to develop my vastus medialis - that area on my leg just looks like an old lady.
So... this is why I thought I have to work my legs like a demon EVERY time I work legs - and really focus on burning those Quads & VM areas - it's the only way... so i am trialling major supersets with pulsing burning leg type manoeuvres. I'll see how this goes for 4 weeks...!

Apparently this rain is supposed to keep up all week and into the weekend...which means the speed racer demon won't be happy - he is due to go to supersprints at Oran Park in the snotmobile - as you can's built for fine weather!

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