Sunday, February 17, 2008

Can the rain please disappear?

I have to admit, I am completely over the rain. Yes, I know we need it...but, actually, here on the coast...nah, we've had more than enough to last us now until at least another 12 months.

However, they say that it's around for at least another couple of months... this rain has really been more tropical than usual though. Massive downpours - our drainage has had to be redone around the house to cope! Poor husband.

Managed to get down the beach again this morning for a run - I have planned two beach sessions a week - the first one is just a jog along the beach at this stage, then home to do abs. Thursdays of course are with friend and involve sprints and boxing etc.

The sand of course was HORRIBLE. That dreadful soft sucky sand that resembls quicksand. Boy did I feel my lack of CV fitness today. Still, gives me something to gauge just how bad it is and where I need to get back to....!

Puppy of course is gorgeous - and now 20kg.


Unknown said...

I'm with you - I'm over the rain here too.

ms_attitude said...

I feel as though summer is fast leaving our grasp....and yet, I haven't even had a swim at the beach this 'summer'!