Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Goals on track!

I've been on leave all week, and by tomorrow I will be finished the 20 hours practical part of my course! And..thanks to the rain the other day, I made great inroads into my website also (thanks also to Dreamweaver 8). Peasy.

What hasn't happened much this week is riding the pony...thanks to the wet, but... I've still managed to ride a couple of times so far, so not all bad - especially considering above.

The other thing that hasn't happened which was what I really wanted to get done was our new front garden...which would have involved ordering about 2T of soil and me lugging into place...hmm...thanks to the rain that didn't happen....and now doesn't look quite as high on the priority list as some more remedial work that may have to happen thanks to the rain.... (that word seems to be figuring a little too much lately). It really has been more like tropical downpours and storms than subtropical weather...

Well, off to the beach now with the pup before heading off to the pony to ride...and the gym later this afternoon!

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