Wednesday, May 21, 2008

So where did the last two weeks go???

*blink* and they're gone.
there's been a Jemima injury - which I was scared was a cruciate ligament, but luckily she's been given the all clear... although we had to keep her quiet for a whole week. This required sedation. BUT Jemima refused to be sedated...well, she just fought it every step of the way. Poor thing, I think she had a bad acid trip! She wobbled up to the bench and woofed at my handbag... god only knows that the damn handbag was saying to her.

I had to go to a work conference - which finished with a team building exercise - based on the Amazing Race concept. Except we just had to identify 5 key behaviours that we felt were necessary for all of us to function effectively within the team.
Picture this - one of the behaviours was 'good listening skills'. One of the girls and I were pulling together the images to put into the presentation, and others were writing the words for each of the behaviours. We got to the 'listening' part of the preso - and kept asking, then shouting to be heard for 'who was writing the listening words'... Do I need to say anymore? Talk about a bloody disfunctional unit. Clearly needs a $hitload of work to make that an effective team unit.

So glad to be home!!

I did run a 'bootcamp' session for a few of the girls one morning though in the Domain, so that was good!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I know what you mean...Time flies and before you know a week is gone...and the weekend is here!