Monday, May 05, 2008

that time of year...

It's fast approaching that time of year when my Mum died. She died 3 years ago on the 19th.
This is where I scattered 1/2 of her ashes (Sandon Point)


Friday said...

Hi Ms...
What a beautiful place you chose for your mum. My favourite son was born on the 19th of May. My thoughts will be with you.

Unknown said...

A lovely place to scatter them. What have you done with the other half? We're in a similar situation. My mum and dad both died 2 1/2 years ago. We scattered 1/2 their ashes in Wales but still have the other half to put somewhere.

ms_attitude said...

Thanks, it is a beautiful spot, and Mum was a beach person.

Linda I left some in the UK for my cousin and Mum's sister to scatter off of Golden Cap, where we used to walk for miles & miles (off Dorset coast) when I was a youngster.

The other 1/2 of mine I scattered down at Racecourse Beach, which is where my sister & I took her on holiday for her 70th birthday when she came over for a visit. That was the last time that we spent some great time together, so I felt it held special memories there too.

Unknown said...

It looks like a lovely place.