Thursday, June 12, 2008

A good week

This week has been a pretty good week with diet and exercise - had to have a cheat night on Wednesday as we had a dinner with our agencies at . Fantastic!!! then had to stay at Star City as we had a meeting first thing next day...but get this - they said they had upgraded me to a harbour front room..blah blah, and I thought I heard her say smoking, but one of the other girls with me said, no way, it was non....
Anyhow, we had 20 minutes to get up to our rooms and get changed before heading out again for dinner (no time for nice relaxing showers!) - and yup, it was a smoking floor. What the??? how is that an upgrade?????????????

Had a good leg workout this morning after my doggy walk.
Miss Jemima was literally bouncing on her walk this morning - I think she was quite pleased to have me back home!


Anonymous said...

Just srufed across to your blog on a cyberspace surfing afternoon. Very interested to read about "Body for Life" that you mention on your profile as I am just at the beginning of a life change journey in which I want to lose weight (mega amounts of weight) and get fit.

Best wishes,

ms_attitude said...

Hi Sharon, welcome on in! The book Body for Life is a great place for you to start your journey - it has helped many thousands of people on the way to a much healthier attitude to life and weight - you can visit the site at or google Bill Phillips - there will be the book available on Don't be fooled by the one for women - it is apparently rubbish - so just go for the original and best!!