Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Winter solstice

This morning dawned fine - although it's dark until I get home...at least it's the shortest day this weekend..which can only mean one thing - the days will be getting longer again! Thank god.

I am totally and unequivocally 'over' the rain. My horse is a misery guts because we haven't been able to do any riding - I've had to make do with lungeing him in the roundyard..poor bugger. He'd much prefer to be galloping around over a few jumps...but the ground is too slippery and greasy still.

I mentioned about the Smart Foods Centre and their upcoming research which I had put my name down for. I had been called by them and gone through a long questionnaire, then they said they would be in touch if I fit the criteria. I have had a message to call a dietician there, so I've now left a message for them to call me back. It would be really interesting to be involved in this research as it's to do with the importance of dietary fats in weight loss. All interesting stuff!!
One of the questions was, would you be prepared to eat meat for breakfast? Um.. Yes.. I am a carnivore!

This morning was back and shoulders after the pooch walk.

We're off to see Sex & the City movie tonight - now, I must confess, that I have never seen the show - it started when I was commuting 1.5 hours to and from work, and starting at 8am - so in order to get my workouts in at that time I was getting up at 4.45am. Needless to say, late night (after 9pm) TV was out of the question!!!

So it will be an eye opener.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

That research sounds really interesting. I hope you get on it...

Hope you enjoy Sex & the City, i am hoping to see soon