Thursday, September 20, 2007

..and back to blonde

Well, a trip to the hairdresser last night resulted in me returning to blonde after being brunette for several months. It's perhaps a little 'too' blonde, but ... what the heck. Change is as good as a holiday - and my hair is sooooo short that it'll be gone in a couple of weeks!!
Dinner last night didn't end up being a stir fry... I had dear husband mince up the chicken breasts with the good ole' meat cleaver, and I made up the chilli chicken recipe from Survival of the Fittest - it's basically just chicken breast mince stir fried in the wok with garlic, ginger, then you add in some sweet chilli sauce and fish sauce, and I usually add in a dash of lime as well.
Serve 'san choy bau' style in lettuce leaves and you have a pretty good meal! I did have a dark chocolate lindt ball with my green tea after though, and a glass of red wine...
tssk tssk.

Went down the beach with the little girl again this morning, she's so funny. Really gets fixated on birds and wants to hunt them down. Should be interesting when I get her up to the horse property and see how she goes with all the wild ducks in the dam.... could be funny...or disastrous.

This weekend is set to be another busy one - off to dog training tomorrow morning, hopefully start horse back in work - lungeing only - until he builds up some muscle, take temps to ensure no flu symptoms. Then maybe more house painting..

Planning on getting back to kickboxing next week....I am sure I will die...

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