Tuesday, September 25, 2007

you have to laugh.. or am I just evil?

Now, I have to preface this with... I do not buy New Idea... it just appears free each week on my desk, courtesy of our media agency.
Anyhow... even though I have complete disdain for it, I can't help but look at it... after all, it's good to check out what Guy Leech is rabbiting on about each week to see if there are any pearls of wisdom..
But I digress.
It's pretty funny when you see photos of people that are in the news today, back when they were a lot younger. Then you start to compare the facial changes [doesn't everyone, or am I just a freak?] - and I don't mean the normal ageing facial changes, I mean the under the scalpel facial changes.
Erica Baxter - well, Erica Packer - believe it or not, she once had a nose - I'm not sure you could call what she has now a nose, it's more like a michael jackson pretend stick on thing that really is just nostrils.
Kylie.... whoa...did you know Kylie's eyebrows once used to sit just above her eyes... now she's permanently surprised. I read on the back of the SMH on the weekend that people are likening her to Joan Rivers...

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