Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Kickboxing & Beach

Okay, I am officially tired..
I went to kickboxing last night - and it was stifling in there given it got to 35 degrees here yesterday. Luckily we had a nice cool change come through around 8pm, but this morning when I got up at 5.15am it was pretty cool.
Did our beach workout again this morning, similar to last week's but instead of soft sand runs all the time (we only did one) we did lots of hard sand sprints in between our boxing, kickboxing & abwork.
We're out to lunch today for one of the girl's birthdays at work - so off to Vietnamese - at leat we can have a good healthy option for a lunch out!

1 comment:

Sienna said...

Shit, you are on fire with these workouts! I did my HIIT training last night at dusk, it's the only time it was anywhere near cool.