Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fitness Expo & other waffle

Well, workouts this week have been fairly low key given my flu - I have been walking the puppy each morning (except on Monday when I stayed in bed and wallowed) because dear husband apparently but not conclusively has gout...GOUT?!! this boy is lean, yup drinks a beer each night, but we eat pretty darn well, he tends to eat a little less well and his exercise has been a little lax of late, but he woke up with a sore foot, then two days later the ankle just swelled. Dr said he thought it was gout, and gave him heavy artillery arthritis meds - after doing xrays which showed his joints look wonderful.

So, a week later (of eating bland, low purine and no alcohol at all) and ankle still swollen to buggery, no relief. He goes back to doc and doc very surprised that ankle still so swollen, orders him off the meds immediately...and takes blood. Now he has to go back on Sunday.

So I have had to be superwoman, working, cooking, cleaning, shopping, putting groceries away, walking puppy, being sick, trying to do some workouts...

Thank god I have tomorrow off...which brings me to the Fitness Expo at Darling Harbour, which is where i am going to check out all the great things tomorrow on trade day! Yeehaa. I shall hit the Reebok stand for new shoes - yes, I am so old school with my Reeboks, but...they are the only ones that fit my feet properly, and don't cause any imbalance issues further up the legs. My Asics that everyone RAVED about caused my Rectus Femoris muscles such great issues that I had to throw them away! The minute I swapped them back for the Reeboks it was like instant heaven on my feet. But, I guess, horses for courses! I shall also check out the Lorna Jane stand.

Oh, I'm sick of the rain. AGAIN.


Kristy said...

Hope your feeling better soon.

I'm not sure how good my shoes are. Should I perhaps go and see someone and get fitted?

The knee thing only started happening at about the 7 km mark last night and seems to be under the knee cap (kinda where the knee moves) and bit towards the outside if that makes sense. I'm very new at all this. Today I can feel it a little, but not really sore as such just can feel.

I think I might go and get fitted for new shoes, but how do you know that new shoes will be any better?

ms_attitude said...

Hey Kristy, Some places do a really good gait analysis, (FROM A DISTANT MEMORY, JADEY - YOU WENT TO ONE DIDN'T YOU? I'm shouting in the vain hope Jadey hears and pops back in!) and then provide you with the recommendations for the various shoes that suit your gait. It definitely sounds like patella-femoral syndrome, so is more than likely just caused by a tight muscle. Run your hand down the outside of your thigh, knuckles in to the thigh, and tell me if it hurts...

Jadey said...

Aww I hope you and hubby are both better soon. I am so jealous. I would have loved to have been up there for fitness expo.

Jadey said...

Ooo go to running sceince

ms_attitude said...

Thanks for that info Jadey!