Monday, April 07, 2008

Now it's intermittent HEAVY HEAVY rain

Yup..woke up this morning to the sound of torrential rain...followed by 10 minutes silence..then down it comes again.
So, again, I opted for the safety of - a quick walk with Jemima followed by chest & shoulders.
Hmmmm. tomorrow couch to 5k? I won't hold my breath.
My knees were a tad stiff this morning from launching after the ball. I do forget that a/ I'm 42 and b/ you're not supposed to dive for the ball in netball.
Still, playing WD was a damn good interval sprint workout!


Jadey said...

Win? Lose? Draw? Have fun? Hate it?

ms_attitude said...

LOL, we actually won 20-14, so we were pretty pleased!
I'll be back... of course, I had to add a little fun to the night by wearing my netball skirt with knee tights underneath, but my bright yellow & hot pink 'show pony' boy undies over the top of those.
Scungeeeeeeeeeee ;-)