Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Not the sort of thing I usually write about, but....

it's newsy so... what the heck.
Given all the protests that are going on around the olympic torch relay, and now they are saying it's damaging the whole spirit of the olympics..
Um. Okay, let's look at a few facts here:
a/ Tibet doesn't have oil. Therefore, this is the only way they can viably get the world's attention to what is going on re China / Tibet.
b/ The spirit of the olympics. Is that the 4 year thing that hosts a whole range of drug cheats?
I loved watching the olympics in Sydney - it was a great atmosphere and the whole thing was a great thing to watch close up - although I just went to the eventing cross country and the pure dressage (yawn).
But...the whole thing does get a little marred by all the drug cheats such as Marion Jones et al - although you know at the time of watching them they MUST be on drugs. Think back to Flo Jo..god, she came out of nowhere, then was dead just after 40. Hmmm. I loved getting whiplash watching Ben Johnson in his 100m final... I think he was just a good scapegoat too at that olympics, the same one that Flo Jo was at....
BUT, I do ask the question, what the hell were the IOC thinking in awarding Beijing the olympics??

I do feel sorry for the athletes who are involved in this particular torch relay, and I don't necessarily agree that it should be here that the protests are made, but.. given the circumstances, where is the right place? This is where the world's eyes are watching, and rightly or wrongly, it's the best place for this issue to gain the greatest level of exposure. The IOC should have known better than to award Beijing this olympics, or any, until they stop killing innocent people in the name of communism. Only the IOC are to blame for this olympic torch relay debacle.

So, where to next, IOC... Afghanistan, Iraq or perhaps North Korea?

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