Wednesday, April 09, 2008

What a smart puppy...

how cute is this? we had a little cute mat that we used to have in Jemima's bed, but it's a little small now, so my husband's been using it to make her sit on in the dining room, to keep her out of the kitchen while we cook etc.
Anyhow, last night, it was in the back room, and we sat at the table to eat dinner. Jemima goes racing out to the back room, and drags her mat beside the table, then sits on it.
she's so cute
she's so smart


Jadey said...

Thats so funny. Perfect though. We were taught to have a mat as a safe place for storm.

Kristy said...

I want a puppy :(

Thats adorable and so clever... A puppy would be a great companion for me, but live in a unit so can't get one...