Thursday, November 22, 2007

..and another Friday swings into town

These weeks just seem to be completely flying past at the moment... it seems like about 2 days pass in the week then it's Friday again...
Well, my new regime is going well, this morning was bike & bosu workout - amazing how much one can don't generally notice it as much (convection method) when you're moving due to the evaporation, but...when you're stationary..whoa! pass me the towel.

Diet is great - about 1600-1700 cals / day.
We're off to the piccies tonight to see Death at a Funeral - so should be fun. Having been to the movies for aaaages.
Will do a full body weights workout tomorrow morning, then we're out for a xmas lunch, and some well needed gardening (and pony preening - I avoided getting his farrier out until he had passed the 2 week good immunity levels on his first vaccination, but of course now, he is way too long and feel the angles in his feet up in his shoulders - imagine running around in awkward shoes and you'll get the picture), but the farrier can't make it until 29 no riding until after then -and then we'll probably get our 2nd vaccinations through so that will be a few more days of no riding...
Sunday will be an exercise day of rest - just gardening and painting the house.

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