Thursday, November 08, 2007

My challenge...

Since I am going to have to fit my workouts in around keeping the dog exercised enough and well as work and riding and..and...and...
This is how my weeks/workouts are going to be planned based on being able to get a good night's sleep:

5.50am - get up - cut up cabanossi for bribes & grab dog for her walk or walk & run. Staffies are muscular little beasties that need a good warmup and can't be allowed to overheat either, so all care must be taken!!
6.20am - return home, start playing fetch in between workout - rest = throw kong.
Workout - Legs - Heavy day - which will consist of a combination of:
Swiss ball squats - nice and deep to get joints lubricated.
Barbell squats.
Walking lunges
Romanian deadlift
4 sets of around 8-10 of each exercise with 2 mins rest in between.
Monday afternoon - if I finish work on time - kickboxing

Pooch walk all the same, then workout:
Chest, Shoulders & Abs
Warmup with pushups
Barbell bench press
Incline dumbbell chest press
barbell military press
barbell upright row
dumbbell lateral raise
Swiss ball crunches
Tuesday afternoon: ride horse... Yay - unless it continues to rain the way it has and it's still too darn wet - these things are always conspiring against me!!

Pooch walk all the same, then workout:
Intervals - hopefully next week on bike trainer :-) my nice birthday pressie.
Evening: kickboxing - again, based on being able to leave work at 5.05pm at the latest... class starts at 5.30!

Up at 5.15am for pooch walk, then at 6am down beach for partner punishment. Okay, I possibly punish her a little more

These consist of jogs on hard sand (if available) soft sand - more likely, sprints on hard or soft sand as before... kickboxing with kickpad and boxing with focus mitts. Lots of ab work - crunches lifting up to two punches on the kickpad and back down. It's about 50 minutes of hard slog.
Thursday eve: ride

Back up at 5.50am (ooh, sleep in!) for walk/jog
then home for intervals - this morning I did plyometrics. Killer. :-)

Back, Biceps & Abs or Kickboxing.
Walk dog, Ride

Rest. Dog training, ride.

I think I like being in control of my workouts. It's great to try something different, but.... I need to lift heavy I think - especially for my east german legs ;-)

So, my challenge for the next four weeks is to really get stuck into my newly designed workout and shed the fat that I have accumulated from afterburn... I already feel better after this first week!!!

My other challenge is to damn well pull my finger out and do my 20 hours practical. I will call Fernwood Woonona tomorrow... I will ... I will.....

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