Sunday, November 25, 2007

Faster than you can say 'blah'it's Monday again

Well, I keep thinking the weeks are flying, but... do the weekends have to go quite so fast? No sooner have you bought the weekend papers, then it's all over and back to work.

We had to go to a car club christmas function yesterday, which of course was a buffet affair... there were also loads of other groups there, but... do people really have to put quite that much food on their plates? Do they ever stop and wonder why they look the way they do? Or should I just stop being so judgemental and think...hmm... potential client.

Now, I just got an email from our ridgeback breeder with some ... one of these is our little girl... do not ask me which one though!!!


Unknown said...

She is so adorable.

ms_attitude said...

Hi Michelle, I just can't wait!! hehe. I think all my maternal instincts are coming through for my new puppy ;-)