Monday, March 24, 2008

aaah, easter...

How nice was it to have an extra long weekend? still, they seem to flash by as quickly as two days!!!

I didn't overindulge over the weekend, so was pleased with myself for at least avoiding too many treats.

Managed to ride the pony and get him started back in jumping again. I even sat our 19mth old 'niece' astride him in front of me... her little face lit up! Quite amazing considering he's 16.3hh of small thing! that's about 5 foot 8 at the wither height!

We found our snake again too - she was out and about in the garden yesterday afternoon as we were entertaining family at our place - we caught sight of her at 3pm wobbling on our new fence posts (they're a bit narrow for her well fed girth), then she went up our new roof (we didn't think she was still with us after the new roof went on) then slithered into the gutter and up the ridgecapping into the roof! So at least we know the diamond python (diamante) is still with us after all these years. We first found evidence of her in 1994 in our roof.... her discarded skin.

Then, this morning, went into the bathroom for my shower and there was a big damn gecko on the floor... have I moved into a reptile habitat? It would appear so.

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