Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dog walking

Since I have had young Jemima, the majority of her walking experience has been during cold, dark mornings. You don't think anything of it, until it starts getting lighter, your puppy is getting bigger, then she notices 'people' and 'dogs' - eg potential playmates also out walking in 'her' streets.
Watch how quickly one compliant heeling puppy becomes a lunging, bouncey, woofy lunatic.
So. We opt for different control methods. First, the harmony harness, which worked for a time, then I tried the limited slip collar which we are supposed to use at dog training - no control at all, then I tried the sporn halter - yes, I have more control but she doesn't heel at all in it.
Then I bumped into a friend who had moved office buildings who had a puppy about the same age - we had gone to puppy preschool together. She was having the same trouble with her german shepherd pup, another 33kg bundle of love. Her dog trainer (our puppy preschool trainer) was coming out to see her that afternoon. Anyhow, he brought out a Gentle Leader head halter thing for her - it worked a charm. I had read so many bad things about them and had opted not to use one - when I had tried one on Jemima she reacted so violently the first time I thought she'd do herself more damage than good. So back in the cupboard it went... until this morning. I thought, bugger it. Popped it on - lots of GOOOOD treats. Took her for a walk and she was controllable. She even walked at heel position on a loose leash. The only time she tried to leap around was when two yappy things yapped away as usual - why do people let their dogs do that at that hour, or any hour??
So, I knew there was one more woofy dog to encounter, so I kept the leash a bit more controlled and closer to me - the dog woofed, Jemima wanted to react, but wasn't able to... it was bliss.
I will try again tomorrow, but so far so good. I would never have put this on her before this age though - at least now I know she doesn't hurt herself at the drop of a hat, and she's got a bit more muscle on her to cope.
Happy days.

Food's been great - water intake's been about 3L per day..exercise good - off for a lunch run session on the beach again today.


Jadey said...

EEEEEKKKKKKK I am hugely against these leads. They are freaking terrible. Cause so many neck problems in dogs.

I use something other people are dead against as it looks cruel but try it out for yourself and do the actual reseacrh and you'll know it's far far from it.

The Prong collar. They have blunt tips so they aren't stabbing into the dogs neck as many believe. It works on a gentle but effective pinching theory (hence why they are also called the pinch collar) and you can guarantee a compliant doggy immediately.

ms_attitude said...

Jadey, I am 100% with you... I know... that is why I have been so reluctant to use the gentle leader..but I have to say, I do keep her really close to me so she can't go ballistic in it.
I too have a prong (but I can't use it at obedience training...) and I love it.. I am actually waiting on getting my cute pink leopard skin prong cover to hide it!