Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Eeeek Magpies!!!

Ha, there I had been, reading about poor Michelle's run-in with magpies, and then..as I was heading back through the bush enroute home after my run.. swwoop...swooooop... bloody thing kept swooping me from behind. Luckily it had been a tad chilly this morning so I had a little fleecey jumper on over top which had been around my waist.. so that was my propellor/deflector..

I didn't walk the dear puppy through the bush after that - we kept to the safety of the streets! LOL

That means I have to re-route my runs for a while.. How long do they do the swoopy thing for?

Felt pretty good on my run this morning. No ITB issue - and over-ran the 60/90 split a few times as I was feeling pretty good and into it.

I am determined to stick to the couch to 5km program though - see it through to fruition and stick verbatim (although obviously this morning saw a slight deviation in terms of the overruns!).

I ordered my tshirts today! So exciting.


Unknown said...

Good to hear I'm not the only one with magpie issues.

The ones in our neighbourhood stick around for a few months.

LizN said...

Hate the little bastards too!

ms_attitude said...

Oh nooooo not a few months...god that'll kill us!!
I'm just glad the little (well 35kg) tyke is almost fully grown so she can start running on the beach with me)