Thursday, October 16, 2008


Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the bike track for my 2nd running session from Week 4 - complete with iPod strapped safely around my arm, wired up for hearing well - along comes my inner technodunce to foil me. Do you think I could get the damn thing to work? Nah.
My OH had proclaimed the battery dead the other day and was apparently re-charging the battery. So naturally, I assumed that he had failed in that regard. Needless to say, his name was mud for the time being.
I carried on, nonetheless, pretending my iPod was working and having several catchy little tunes going along in my head (after all, to the external world I certainly looked as though my iPod must be working). I managed to get through my 3/90/5/2.5 x 2 jog / walk session without further ado - although I do admit to being frightened on two occasions - one as a magpie was peeking at me evilly from a waist high pole as I passed her - the other when a cyclist cheerily said "good morning" from behind me - I must have leaped about three feet in the air and at least it made my heart rate climb a bit more!
After I stretched and got back in the car for my quick trip home - I still couldn't get the thing to work...but I noticed a little padlock symbol on the display. Always being the quick thinker, I thought.. "a-ha - it's possibly locked" - and I managed to find a little button on the bottom, that when I magically flicked it to one side...all was well in iPod land once more. At least I will know better for next week, when the real fun begins .

1 comment:

Jadey said...

haha I have been caught out by the lock key more than once.