Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two training sessions down!

Well, I'm really happy. I'm finally doing what I have wanted to do for such a long time.
I can't wait to make the transition from (as my manager says) "corporate whore" to 'self employed business woman'.


Have had two training sessions (tuesday and today, and then we are up for another tomorrow)
Then I have a whole week away from work - we're heading down the coast to a spot called "Brogo" - it's in the mountains half way roughly between Narooma and Merimbula.'s dog friendly (rule number 1), so we can have a nice family trip away for a few days.

Will be nice to chill out, head to the beach, walk around the countryside... fab.


Kristy said...

Your business sounds great and before you know I am sure you will be run off your feet.

Enjoy your nice break away. Sounds like a great place.

ms_attitude said...

Thanks Kristy, it's so exciting. Finally all coming to fruition!