Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Aaah weight is going down...

I managed to whack on a fair few kilos over the stressful work period. I failed in my attempt to not let work get the better of me - but now, they are falling back off. Thanks to resuming the Precision Nutrition way of life and getting back some intensity & time in my exercise.
This morning, post puppy walk, was ..Plyometric morning! Burpees, Squat jumps, bounds and cycling sprints.
God. I hate my bike trainer with a passion. Maybe I can sell the damn thing on ebay and get a proper spin bike?!

1 comment:

Jadey said...

Somehow I missed that you were doing PN. I got the books delivered a while back (I think they have more now!) But I haven't even started reading them. They are in one of my moving boxes somewhere. :-s

Tell me what you think about it????