Wednesday, May 02, 2007

have we moved to the northern hemisphere?

It's positively balmy outside...about 27 degrees to be precise! Just like a mid-summer's day in the UK! what the??? Although someone at work said they'd just heard on the radio there are 'snow showers' on the way tomorrow for the blue mountains...huh?? LOL, you can guarantee...if we've still got no roof on the back room, we're bound to be in for snow in the Gong (be a first, but hey!).
Kickboxing was another good hard workout last night - we did lots of kick routines against the bag - low, power and head kicks...that gets the heart rate up!!

This morning's sunrise - complete with full moon setting over the escarpment, was quite spectacular once again....
and...there was some firm I avoided the soft stuff like the plague and did some good 60m firm sand sprints - until the tide started to claim my spot!
Off to ride the pony again tonight.
Splashed out and ordered Precision Nutrition v2 yesterday - thank god the special is $50US off because that's about how much the international postage was! Ouch. Still...the Metabolism Advantage book has been excellent, so I now eagerly await the new investment.

Tomorrow is up in Sydney, well, St Leonards at our advertising agency, then Surry Hills to our PR will have to pack well for my food!!! Our advertising agency ALWAYS brings out this reallyYUMMY stuff's a real exercise in self control to avoid it.


Sue said...

Ok so this is not about your post however snow showers??? Anywho, was checking out hour liks and wondered if the Heavenly bath & Body (can't remember the name if thats wrong), is that your business? The products sound fab, will have to look into getting some.

ms_attitude said...

Hi Sue, yes Heavenly is something I've been playing around with for a few years. I love making stuff!!! The website is still in construction mode - I need new photos, but for that I need to make more stuff, and with all the renos on at the moment, it just isn't happening!!! Just got a whole order of new oils, organic cocoa butter (smells good enough to eat), so that is just teasing me now....