Wednesday, May 09, 2007

More Rain....

I really hate dreary days... probably the reason why I never missed leaving the UK as a child...winters in the Gong are bad enough, but...nothing could compare with a bleak UK winter.. grey stone cottages, grey trees, grey footpaths, grey sky .. that is, when it's not dark (which is about 18 hours of the day). Quaint.
There... I feel better now after wallowing in greyness memories.
Still, did a good kickboxing workout last night, but it was skipping rope hell. I have this hate/hate relationship with the skipping rope. I watch these others, doing these flash moves not an 'oops' to be heard. Then there's me, oh, and to be honest, a few others all managing a few childish skips before!t.. Oh, and the instructor thought it was great to do an extended skipping warmup last night - complete with making us (or trying to make us) do one leg, then the other...then knees up, faster..yeah right. There was much oopsing from me last night. I have a real problem with focus and momentum when I just can't do something. My boredom levels overtake me.
Don't get me wrong, I love the kickboxing class, the way it gets you sweaty and the way you can get stuck into the bag kicking and punching the bejesus out of it. BUT I do have issues with the lack of fitness qualification of the instructors, and consequently the contraindicated exercises that they try and make people do. The lack of knowledge in correct form for certain exercises such as squats. I CAN'T HELP MYSELF when I see people doing things wrong that could possibly cause them injury. I HAVE TO HELP THEM CORRECT IT. Those people then think...why is SHE telling me this? she's just a newbie freak that can't skip.
Gosh. what a whingey whiney blog so far. Riveting stuff caroline.
This is what happens when you start the day with the sound of wet stuff falling on the tarp above our heads. Yes, where most people have a roof, except those people that live in a tent, or in our case, us idiots who are having renovations which we were told would be about 2 weeks in duration...and now look like 2 months would have been a better calculation.
*sigh* I can see why people just DON'T BOTHER. LOL.
Especially when you remember ALL the things you TALKED about that you wanted. Then all of a sudden, all the things you TALKED about BEFORE they quoted, are 'extras' ... KERCHING, KERCHING, KERCHING... goes the sound of the cash machine...
Perhaps I should have stayed in bed this morning.
Clearly I got out the WRONG side. But, if I did, my husband didn't make a sound as I trampled him into the mattress in my hasty exit.
Well, no beach this morning. Just walked the streets - I live in a very hilly zone on the side of our escarpment, so it makes for a great workout walking our streets. Then I finished off at home with just body weight squats, lunges & my peterson step ups. Jeez my right knee makes some interesting squelching sounds doing these....

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